What to do with 6 pounds of yarn…Stash Busting for Hope!

Stash Busting for Halos of Hope

Last week we were getting ready to meet my parents for Thanksgiving at the beach.  I was frantically running around with last-minute packing and realized I didn’t have a project to work on in the car (6 hour drive!).  I had just finished a baby blanket and had two bib patterns in testing.  My only other WIPs were Christmas gifts for the boys-not something I could work on in front of them.  I did a quick glance at my  yarn stash and made a Thanksgiving promise-I’m going to bust this stash and make some hats for Halos of Hope.

6 pounds of Bernat CottonTots.  2013 Challenge, crochet into hats for Halos of Hope.
6 pounds of Bernat CottonTots. 2013 Challenge, crochet into hats for Halos of Hope.

My yarn stash is stored in paper boxes (you know the ones, I think 10 reams of 500 sheets of paper per case).  I won’t tell you how many boxes I have, but it’s a lot.  I have one box full of just Bernat CottonTots 100% cotton yarn.  I love this yarn.  It’s so soft, perfect for chemo hats.  So, in that frantic last-minute packing, I decided I will crochet all of the CottonTots into hats for Halos of Hope-Stash Bust 2013 (although I have a head start as I started on our trip).   I weighed the yarn when we returned home and it’s over 6 pounds!  While sorting through the box, I found some hearts already made. I’ll be using them on some of the hats.  I’m excited about this challenge and plan to post updates at least once a month.  Please check back on my progress and if you like, join in!  Check this list for pre-approved yarns perfect for chemo hats and this Guidelines and Helpful Hints in making hats for those experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy or radiation.

Halos of Hope is a fantastic not-for-profit organization that distributes handcrafted hats to chemotherapy patients.  They work directly with chemo centers across the country .  Pam, a survivor, started the organization in 2006.  I’ve not yet had the pleasure of meeting her or the other volunteers in person, but hope to in the near future.  For now, I will continue to make hats and send them to Illinois.  Read some to their Stories of Hope .

Do you have some yarn in your stash that’s not on their soft enough for chemo hat list?  Try this stash buster pattern Made with Love, Heart Baby Blanket.
