2015 Stash Bust for Charity, Mid April Update

More Crocheted Bears

Crocheted Wee Bears for Team Lewis

6 Wee Bears for Team Lewis ready to mail!

Wee bear for Team Lewis crochted in cotton/acrylic blendscrocheted bears for Team Lewis, used Sugar 'n Cream ombre and a solid lavendarThree more bears for Team Lewis.  The striped matching bears are made with alternating rows of Sugar ‘n Cream ombre and a solid lavender.  This yarn was given to me by very generous crocheter (Read more!)  The pink striped bear was made as the sibling to the blue striped bear I posted last week.  I used a couple different brands of cotton/acrylic blend yarn for her and she is super soft!

The bears are a lot of fun to make. I’m honored to be able to help out this group and I hope the bears can bring some comfort to those who are going through the worst thing imaginable. The  three bears weigh 5.75 ounces-before stuffing!

Team Lewis is a sweet organization, please check it out.

Total hats made in the 2015 Stash Bust Challenge to date: 6

Total bears made in the 2015 Stash Bust Challenge to date: 6

Total weight of yarn used in the 2015 Stash Bust Challenge to date: 1 pound, 10.25 ounces!

17 thoughts on “2015 Stash Bust for Charity, Mid April Update

  1. I crochet my bears in purple and verigated purples for Epilepsy Awareness. Then I donate them to my son’s pediatric neurologist office for them to give out to children during testing or that are having a seizure while at the Dr’s office. I too had epilepsy as a child and since my type of seizures are genetic my youngest son also has them. But they are the type that you can grow out of so he goes in July for tests to see if he is outgrowing them. Praise be to God that he is…! Am starting a elephant stuffy if it turns out well I may incorporate purple pachaderms into the mix….

  2. I startedaking these bears for donations to my son’s pediatric neurologist . We donate the for her new clients to comfort them during a seizure. Awesome pattern.

  3. I am always trying to find different item for me to crochet for the kids I send alot of hats and small afghans to the children hospital and afghans to the VA hospital. So this is something different and the kids will love them. Thank you so much for sharingl

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